Dan Tafel

Vice President, Sales

Service Net is different from other warranty providers because our focus is on enhancing our client’s brand loyalty. We increase the profitability by looking at the lifetime value of the customer relationship. This requires working with our client to develop a strategy, not sell them a product.

  • New clients
  • Industry events
  • Client relationships

Previous Experiences:
Dan’s experience includes 6 years in consumer Marketing at Philip Morris, 4 years in Vietnam as founder of ATA Group, a company responsible for brands such as L’oreal , and 4 years at a leading technology company, Appriss, where he pioneered the airline industry’s first flight notification system.

  • Bachelor's degree in Political Science, Hampden-Sydney College, 1987
  • Brand Marketing Development Program, Philip Morris
  • Six Sigma Certified

Our Executives

Founder and Chairman

Lansdon Robbins


Kevin Callahan

President, Sales and Marketing Operations

Chris Smith


Kelly Duncan

Vice President, Technology and Operations

Jeff Sadtler

Vice President, Sales

Dan Tafel